Lambretta Electronic Ignition Stator HP Silicone AC - BGM PRO
Innocenti # BGM # BGM8045N
Lambretta electronic ignition stator HP V4.5 AC - BGM PRO
High power output stator plate with ultimate reliability, works with all electronic ignition systems that are based on the Ducati 6-pole electronic ignition system.
This stator plate is now the fourth version. All the well proven features remained, but we changed the casings for the base plate to make it much more solid.
The slots for the ignition timing adjustment are much larger. And for all applications that are not using the bgm flywheel, we supply three little spacers to adjust the Pickup height to solve misfiring problems because of not aligning Pickups and triggers.
We came across this problem building up engines and found out that the tolerances of crankshafts and flywheels can build up a misalignment which causes misfiring and rev limitation.
- Improved power output for better lights
- Well proved low tension coil with copper for maximum reliability
- Pickup with a carbon barrier layer for a clean ignition signal
- bgm branded pickup
- Black and grey cable cover delivered on Lambretta stator plate
- Sufficient cable length for individual cable routing
- High quality light coils
- Clean solder joints